Lok Sabha Session
259 Session
258 Session
December 2023
- Adequate Production of Pulses and Oilseeds
- Adoption of Digital and Innovative Farming Techniques
- Advantages of the Use of Nano Urea
- Agric Contribution in GDP
- Agric Production
- Agric Technology
- Agricultural College under CPCRI, Kasaragod
- Agri-Tech Industry
- Amenities created in Agricultural Universities
- Assistance to Farmers
- Ban on Non-Basmati Rice
- Benefits of Nano Urea
- Biological Diversity Act 2002
- Capacity of Cold Storages
- Capping prices of basmati rice
- Cardamom Board
- Categorisation of Farmers
- Checking of Imported Chemicals
- Chemical Free Farming
- Committee on Guaranteed MSP
- Conversion of Barren Land to fertile one
- Crop Loss to Farmers
- Cultivable Land
- Cultivation of Coconut
- Cultivation of Millets
- Cultivation of Traditional & Herbal Medicinal Plants
- Damage to Soil
- Data on Farmers’ Income
- Deep Sea Bio-Diversity
- District Agriculture Contingency Plan
- District Agriculture Contingency Plan
- e-Commerce Export
- Efficacy of Nano Urea
- Excessive use of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides
- Export and Import of Food grains
- Export of Banana
- Export of Broken and Non-basmati Rice
- Export of Farm Products
- Export of Food Grains
- Export of Organic Products
- Export of Rice
- Export Promotion
- Farmer & Farm Worker Suicides
- Farmers affected by Natural Calamities
- Farming & Forestry
- Food grain Crisis
- Global Hunger Index
- Gosikhurd Irrigation Project
- Green Credit Programme
- Green Industrial Policy
- Green Revolution
- High yielding seeds of Pulses
- Horticulture College in Uttar Pradesh
- Horticulture Production
- Horticulture Share in Global Trade
- Horticulture Universities
- Ill effects of Climate Change
- IMO Green Voyage 2050 Project
- Impact of Climate Change
- Impact of Soil Erosion on Agriculture
- Implementation of MSP
- Implementation of Organic Farming
- Import of Agri Commodities
- Incentives in Biotechnology Sector
- Incentives to Farmers
- Income of Small and Medium Farmers
- Increasing Food grain Production
- Increasing Income from Agriculture
- Initiatives for Farmers
- Inland Fish Production
- Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Production
- Inspection of Fertilizer Plants
- Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology (IPFT)
- Integrated Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
- International Year of Millets 2023
- Jute Pkg of Sugar
- Jute Production
- Kharif Crops
- Kisan Credit Card Scheme
- Kisan credit card
- Kisan E-Mitra
- Krishi UDAN Scheme for Karnataka
- Krishi UDAN Scheme
- Legal Guarantee to MSP
- Mapping of Soil Erodibility
- Marine Blue Revolution
- Marine Exports
- Mixing of Indian Cardamom
- MSP Committee
- MSP for Kharif Crops
- Nano Fertilizer Plant in Jharkhand
- Nano Urea Plant
- Nano Urea
- Natural Farming
- New Agricultural Schemes
- New Export Policy for Domestically Manufactured Drugs
- New Formula for MSP
- New Technology and Innovation in Farming Sector
- Opium farming license
- Organic & Natural Farming 5.12.2023
- Paddy MSP in Kerala
- Paddy Procurement
- Per Drop More Crop
- Plea of Rice Mills to Punjab Food Supply
- Potato Cultivation support in Assam
- Price of Agricultural Inputs
- Prices of Food grains for BPL and APL Families
- Procurement of Food grains by Millers
- Production and Consumption of Millets
- Production Capacity of Major Chemical Industries
- Production capacity of Nano Urea fertilizer
- Production of Garlic
- Production of Medicinal Plants and Herbs
- Production of Millets
- Production of Natural Milk
- Production of Organic Fertilizers
- Production of Urea, DAP, MOP and NPK
- Promoting Bio-Fertilizers
- Promoting Horticulture Crops
- Promoting the Production of Millets
- Promotion of Herbal Garden in Bihar
- Promotion of Natural Farming
- Promotion of Shrimp Farming and Aquaculture
- Public Health Entomology Studies
- Public Procurement Policy for MSMEs
- Purchase of Cotton by CCI
- Quality of Medicinal Plants
- Quality of Food under PDS
- Quality Seed Sale
- R&D in Nanotechnology
- Rabi Fertilizer demand
- Remedy to remove fertilizers storage shortage
- Report on Farmers’ Income
- Research study on medicinal plants
- Restrictions on Import and Export of Food grains
- Rise in Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers
- Rural Development Fund to Punjab
- Scheme for Fertilizers
- Seed Village Programme
- Self-reliance in Fert production
- Shortage in Production of Fertilizers
- Shortage of Urea
- Shortage of Fert in TN
- Skill Development among Farmers
- Soil degradation
- Soil Health
- Spoilage of Fruits and Vegetables
- Spoilage of Grains due to storage
- Stabilizing Agricultural Output
- Start-up for Millets
- Storage of Fertilizer
- Strengthening Domestic Manufacturing of Chemicals
- Strengthening of APMCs
- Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization
- Subsidy to Farmers through PM KISAN
- Supply of Spurious Chemicals
- Support to Copra Farmers
- Supporting Dairy Cooperatives and Farmer Producer Organisations
- Sustainable Farming
- Symposiums on Farmers Rights
- Tea Industry
- Training to Farmers
- Transportation of Arecanut
- Use of Chemical Pesticides
- Use of Pesticides
- Vacancies in Krishi Vigyan Kendras
- Vegetable Production
- Villages connected with Markets
- Weeds affecting Agriculture
- Workforce Engaged in Agriculture
July 20 - August 3, 2023
- Agro-Economic Research
- Allocation of Funds under PM-KUSUM
- Availability of Millets in Tribal Villages
- Availability of Nano-Urea
- Awareness on use of Drones in Farming
- Beneficiaries under PM-KISAN Scheme
- Benefits of Co-firing Biomass Pellets in TPPs
- Biological Substitutes for Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticide
- Campaign for Sustainable Farming
- Certified Drone Pilots
- Commercial Production of Organic Products
- Cultivation and Export of Medicinal Plants
- Cultivation of Medicinal Plants
- Damage caused by Chemical and Petrochemical Industries
- Decline in Fertilizer Subsidy
- Demand and Supply of Quality Seeds
- Digital Agriculture Mission
- Digital Technology in Agriculture
- Drugs Production of Sub-standard
- Effects of Climate Change on Farmers
- Export of Grapes
- Farmers Benefitted under PMFBY
- Fertilizer Distribution System
- Fertilizer Rake Points
- Fertilizer Shortage due to Russia-Ukraine War
- Fertilizer Subsidy to Farmers
- Fertilizer Subsidy
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Technology for Agriculture
- Impact of Ukraine War on Supply of Agricultural Fertilizers
- Import of Organic Chemicals
- Improving Soil Health
- Increase in Cost of Production of Crops
- Increase in Kharif MSP
- Khushal Kisan Yojana
- MSP of Kharif Crops
- Nano Fertilizers
- National Mission on Natural Farming
- New Fertilizer Policy
- One Nation One Fertilizer Scheme
- Over Usage of Fertilizer
- Paddy Cultivation Area
- PM-KISAN Beneficiaries
- Pollution caused by Stubble Burning
- Power Generation Scheme to Farmers
- Prices of Fertilizers
- Problem of Arsenic Rice
- Production and Import of Fertilizers
- Production of Basmati Rice
- Production of Organic Crops
- Promoting Jute Production
- Promotion of Alternative Fertilizers
- Promotion of Horticulture and Floriculture
- Promotion of Medicinal Plants
- Promotion of Natural Farming
- Promotion of Organic and Bio-fertilizers
- Promotion of Organic Farming
- Research and Development in Organic Fertilizers
- Review of Fertilizer Distributors in Maharashtra
- Review of Krishi UDAN Scheme
- Rise in Transportation Cost of Fertilizer due to Flood
- Scheme for Cultivation of Medicinal Plants and Herbs
- Small and Marginal Farmers under PM-KUSUM
- Special Fertilizer Package
- Spoilage of Fruits and Vegetables
- Spraying of Pesticides
- Stand-Up India Scheme for Agri-Allied Greenfield Activities\
- Stocks of Fertilisers
- Strategies for Organic Fertilizers
- Stubble Burning
- Supply of Chemical Fertilizers in Chhattisgarh
- Supply of Urea in Agriculture Sector
- Target for Solar Energy under PM-KUSUM
- Use of Bio-fertilizers
- Use of Fertilizers
- Use of Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides
Rajya Sabha Session
259 Session
258 Session
December 2023
- Achievements under MIDH
- Action plan related to IFFCO Nano D.A.P.
- Adequate availability of fertilizers
- Biodiversity funds
- Biofertlizers
- CC effect on Kharif crops Punjab
- CC foodgrain crisis
- Centres of Excellence under MIDH
- Climate resilient agriculture for small land-owners
- limate resilient agriculture practices in Kerala
- Computerization of Agricultural and Rural Development Banks
- Co-operative farmers’ village
- Crisis induced by climate change
- Degrading soil health
- Drones in agric
- Drones in the fertilizer sector
- Encouraging use of biofertilizers
- Farm stubble burning
- Fert Companies under ONOFs
- Fert subsidy expenses
- Fertilizer subsidy provided to farmers
- Floriculture
- Genome India Initiative
- Horticulture
- Ill-effects of climate change
- Krishi UDAN Scheme
- Krishi UDAN Scheme
- Loss of agricultural crops due to unseasonal rains and hails…
- Mapping of soil erodibility
- MSP for fruits and vegetables
- MSP of crops
- Nano urea in FCO
- Nano Urea
- Natural calamities
- PM PRANAM yojana
- Preservation of forests and their biodiversity
- Production and consumption of millets
- Production capacity of major chemicals
- Production of fertilizers
- Production, demand and supply of fertilizers
- Programmes for farmer education on fertilizer use and sustainability
- Promoting females in the field of Science and Technology
- Promotion of alternative fertilizers
- Promotion of climate resilient and sustainable agriculture
- Promotion of on-farm and off-farm investment
- Provisions of pollution related legislations
- Quota for fertilizers
- R&D strategy for emerging technologies
- Reduction in subsidy on fertilizers
- Rupay Kisan Credit Card (KCC)
- Shortage of fertilizers
- Significance of Green Revolution
- Stubble burnings
- Subsidy on fertilizers
- Subsidy provided on fertilizers
- Subsidy to farmers for purchasing food and fertilizer
- Sustainability of chemical and fertilizer industry
- Sustainable practices in oil palm cultivation
- Tea Boards CC action
- Transition from water intensive crops
- Urea in Industy plants
- Utility of nano urea for farmers
- Vegetable oil imports
- Welfare schemes for small farmers and people working in unorganized sector
JULY 20 - AUGUST 3, 2023
- Beneficiaries covered under PM-KISAN Yojana
- Benefits of fertilizer subsidy
- Black marketing of fertilizers in the country
- Cancellation of licenses of fertilizer plants
- Capping on prices of essential drugs
- Carbon neutral panchayat
- Carbon trading in India
- Central fund for environmental awareness
- Climate resilient agriculture
- Compensation to the farmers
- Crop residue management
- Cultivation of desi cotton varieties
- Data collected by weather Stations
- Digitization of Gram Panchayats
- Doubling of farmers income
- Encouragement to agri-startups in rural areas
- Expenditure on science related Research and Development
- Export of Agricultural products
- Fertilizer for farmers
- Fertilizer manufacturing companies
- Financial assistance under PM-KISAN
- Formation of FPOs under Sahakar 22
- Free power to agriculture for irrigation pump set
- Funds under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
- Implementation of PM-KISAN Yojana
- Implementation of PM-KISAN Yojana
- Implementation of PM-KISAN Yojana in Punjab
- Inclusion of tenant farmers under PM-KISAN
- Innovation in chemical sector
- Introduction of Nano DAP in the market
- Krishi Udan 2.0 scheme
- Krishi UDAN scheme in Jharkhand
- Krishi UDAN Scheme
- KVK support in crop residue management
- Liquid nano urea
- MSP for horticulture
- MSP for Kharif crops
- Nano urea
- National Bio-Energy Programme
- Net zero emissions target
- One Nation One Fertilizer Scheme
- Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for MSME
- Overcoming Agriculture Challenges
- Overdue payment to sugarcane farmers
- Planning and implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0
- PM KUSUM Scheme
- PM Kusum Yojana in Uttar Pradesh
- PM PRANAM Programme
- Potential in agarwood sector
- Potential technological advancements by MSMEs
- Prevention of the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
- Production and promotion of millets (Shree Anna)
- Production of bananas
- Production of Bio fuels
- Promotion of chemical free agriculture
- Promotion of cow shelters for natural farming
- Promotion of Millets
- Promotion of natural farming practices
- Promotion of organic farming
- Protection of wetlands
- Provision of special subsidy to farmers
- Provisions of Digitial India Bill and Data Protection Bill
- Quantity of rice collected by FCI from Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Odisha
- R & D in Seed Sector
- Retail shops of fertilizer in Madhya Pradesh
- Rural-urban digital literacy
- Share of subsidies in farmers’ income
- Subsidy to bio-fertilizers
- Volatility in TOP Prices
- Water soluble fertilizers